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20th International Underwater Film Festival - Belgrade

December 2016.



Here are the results from 20th International Underwater Film Festival in Belgrade contests:

Grand Prix

UNDERWATER SENSES-Leonardo Sergiani , IT


PC - PRO CATEGORY ( for professional productions )

1st Place

The sea of life , Monica Gonzalez and Daniel Rodriguez, ES

2nd Place

The water under the mountain , Jerome Espla , FR

3rd Place

The Primordial Turtle,Eduardo Quiroz , MX

IC - INDEPENDENT CATEGORY (independent producers)

1st Place

Chaika clip, Bogdana Vashchenko, RU

2nd Place

The Sea , Ronald Faber, NL

3rd Place

Clipperton , Julie Ouimet , CA

Special award

The Crocodile and The Hutia , John Boyle , UK

Extended Range , Frank Dornberger, DE

Best National Film

Ice diver , Vladimir Mladenovic SRB

Mr. Pavol Svitanek (Slovakia ), Mr. Bruno Bratovic (SRB), and Mr. Aleksandar Kostic (SRB )

All members of the jury are known underwater film authors, producers and directors, each of them with experience of more than 20 years.
Congratulations to the awarded authors and thanks to all who took part, from the bottom of our hearts. Of course, we are inviting you to take part at our next festival, in December 2017.
We hope for the future successful cooperation and many more excellent films.